
We prioritize the privacy and security of customer information. Our website employs industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect personal and payment data. For more details, please review our Privacy Policy.

Yes, we do offer personalized items, we’re always open to exploring new possibilities everyday. Feel free to reach out to us at for additional customizations.

No, there is no cost for requesting information or quotes. Feel free to contact us at to discuss your ideas, and we’ll provide the information you need without any obligation.

Absolutely! We encourage collaboration on custom projects. Contact us to discuss your ideas, and our design team will work with you to bring your vision to life.

Yes, we welcome collaborations with other brands and designers. If you are interested in exploring a collaboration, please reach out to us at to discuss the details.


To place an order or discuss customization options, please send your request to Our team will guide you through the order process, providing details on pricing, lead times, and any other relevant information.

We cater to orders of all sizes. Whether you need a single item from the catalogue or have a custom project in mind, we’re flexible and accommodating. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and requirements.

Absolutely. We encourage customization to meet your unique requirements. Contact us with your specific modifications, and our team will work with you to create a product tailored to your preferences.

Once your order is confirmed, we will provide regular updates on its status, including production milestones and shipping details. Feel free to inquire about your order status at any time by contacting us.

Once payment is made for a small order or sample, modifications or cancellations may be challenging due to our efficient processing system. We recommend confirming details before finalizing your purchase.


We accept various payment methods, including bank transfer, Western Union, etc. Further details will be provided during the order confirmation process.

For small orders or samples, we accept payment in advance and for bulk orders, we prefer a 50% advance payment, with the remaining 50% payable when the goods are ready to be shipped into our official bank account. Irrevocable Letter of Credit (L/C) at sight is also accepted.

Certainly. An invoice for your order will be issued when your order is confirmed, please let us know, and we will provide you with the necessary documentation for your records.

The product price and shipping costs displayed during the order confirmation process are inclusive of all relevant fees and taxes. There are no hidden costs, and the total amount due will be clearly communicated before you finalize your purchase.


es, we provide global shipping for everything we manufacture. Shipping costs and delivery times vary based on your location and selected shipping options. Please contact us for detailed information about international shipping.

Yes, we use reputable courier and cargo services such as DHL, UPS, FedEx, DPD for providing speedy door-to-door services for bulk orders.

Shipping times vary based on your location and the shipping method selected. You can get an estimated delivery times after your order is confirmed. We work tirelessly to get your order to you as swiftly as possible.

While rare, if your order is delayed beyond the estimated delivery time, please reach out to our customer support at We’ll promptly investigate and provide assistance.

We take great care in packaging and shipping your orders. If by chance any damage occurs during shipping, we will adjust the cost of that item with shipping in your next order. For further inquiries contact us at, and we’ll work swiftly to address the issue and ensure your satisfaction.

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